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A loving tribute to

John Drew Barrymore

04 June 193229 November 2004
Film, television actor

John Drew Barrymore aka John Blyth Barrymore was an American actor who passed away at the age of 72 from cancer. He appeared in various TV series, "Rawhide," "Wagon Train" and "Gunsmoke." He is a member of the Barrymore family of actors, including his father, John.
Born 1932 in Los Angeles, California, he appeared in "Wagon Train" — "The Ruttledge Munroe Story" in 1957. Then in 1958 he starred in both “High School Confidential” and “Never Love a Stranger.” A year later, he guest-starred in TV Westerns "Rawhide" - "Incident of The Haunted Hills." Starting in 1965 he appeared many times in the TV series, "Gunsmoke." Then in 1967, he was cast in the "Star Trek" episode "The Alternative Factor." In 1974, he guest starred in "Kung Fu" TV episode "A Dream Within a Dream.” In 2000, He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contributions to television. Wed and divorced four times it was said all of his marriages were stormy ones as he became more and more reclusive.
His daughter Drew Barrymore sp

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